Friday, March 13, 2009

12 of 12 March 09

The 12 of 12 is a fun photo essay project started by a guy named Chad (click link) that I try to do every month. This month I finally got to do one I've been thinking about: 12 pics in under 12 minutes, on the 12th(of course) on my roof.

-A view looking east (downtown LA) from the east edge of the roof.

-Looking south through the gazebo - that's right, we have a gazebo on out roof.- With added bonus partial self portrait.

-A view through the fire hose pipes to the Wilshire business district area, kinda northeast. I love how these pipes look, will have to get a larger pic someday.

-One of the semi-rotting grills parked in tandem in the once well-used bar-b-q area.

-Down the vent pipe.

-Antenna sky.

-Another style vent pipe with another style partial self portrait.

-Western sunset view from mid roof. It really is quite nice up here.

-Straight north from same mid roof spot.

-Emergency teams down on the street.

-Still life- flaking wrought iron door, with broken chair and gas vent still contraption.

-Looking down into the odd courtyard for 2, parking lot, little garages, and the bottom of the new condo that you saw going up over the past couple years' 12's.