Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Showcase showdown

It's going well & you can still come check it out. If you are 'non-industry' it's space available. So grab your favorite CD, Manager, Agent or Producer & come on down!

cricket feet casting ACTORS SHOWCASE
April 23, 24 and 26, 2007 - 8pm - FREE
Promenade Playhouse, Santa Monica

produced by: Bonnie Gillespie
directed by: Richard Tatum

presenting: Alex Collins - Alice Ensor - Amy Crofoot - Annie Wood - Ben Hanfling - Bill Lippincott - Brian Baldini - Christina Diaz - Cory Rouse - Debbie Campbell - Eitan Loewenstein - Erin-Lee Adamson - Jameelah McMillan - Jodi Shilling - Jon Bradford - Josh Callahan - Julie Meyer - Kacey Camp - Ker'in Hayden - Kurt Ela - Melanie Cruz - Michael Osborne - Michael Proctor - Michele Karpel - Regan Kirwin - Renee Scott - Reuben Sears - Robyn Moran - Shelley Delayne - Shon Little - Stephen Moffatt - Tara Sands - Tracy Eliott - Tracy Ging - Zach Hanks
A fast-paced, professionally directed, comedic showcase of 35 carefully screened and appropriately cast actors in just over an hour. Did we mention that we've chosen a location where free parking is a breeze? And that we're rolling out yummy munchies and adult beverages after the show? Awesome, right? Yeah. We thought so too.
Three chances to see it:
Monday, April 23 - Tuesday, April 24 - Thursday, April 26
8 pm - FREE

Promenade Playhouse - 1404-8 Third Street Promenade - Santa Monica, CA 90401
directions/venue info: http://promenadeplayhouse.com
reservations/showcase info: http://cricketfeetshowcase.com

Industry RSVP: 310.856.9855 or rsvp@cricketfeet.com
Non-Industry friends and family on space-available basis or send me a message and ask about coming to the final dress rehearsal!

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