Thursday, March 02, 2006

Eliminate the middle man

Had a few good auditions this week. Saw Danny Goldman for a Walmart spot. Yeah, I don't support them but I'll take their cash! It was a super quickie; 6 guys at once, slate, answer a quick question & outta there. I wonder if the guy who said "I'm about to be a Dad, hire me" got a callback...hmmmm. Today it was Francene Selkirk-Ackerman for a super secret project called "Product X". Or maybe it was a super secret product called "Project X". Pretty secret & stealthy though, right? I can't say anything but I'm fairly sure it's a irelessway ompanycay.

And tomorrow I have a print go-see, but the best was yesterday over at Sessions West Studios. It was great to be there because I hadn't been in a long time. I read for Gabrielle Schary for a Hundai campaign (yup, a series of spots). I was the first one there, had plenty of time with the copy & saw my friend Ivar who was there for a callback next door. Going in first was great, Gabrielle asked if I minded running it a few times as they fiddled with camera position & tweaked a line of dialog. Hell no, I don't mind! She gave a few adjustments & I had it down by the time they were ready. Well, except for mispronouncing Hundai 1/2 second into the first one on tape, after just saying it 800 times before that. D'oh! I actually did something I've rarely done(for good reason) & asked to start over. The situation just felt right & it was no problem, Gabrielle even made sure her assistant erased the f-up. Pretty cool, huh? But that's not even the best part. No. The best part was afterward when, sniffing around for a drop box, I wandered over to the outer lobby/parking type area & stumbled upon this:
Oh my god! Their box is an actu.... wait a sec, is that a plastic liner? Can this get any funnier?
Yes it can! I checked, that's McDonald's refuse & some assorted slop. Just awesome!


Hal said...

Hey Lipp!

I was at FSA's office yesterday too, though for a different spot - Cingular. Lots of intrigue with that "Project X" business. Hope it's not for some herpes or jock itch medication.

Lipp said...

That would be cool if it was for a combo herpes-jock itch med. Kind of like having your shampoo & conditioner all in one.

No comments on the drop bin yet...I'm suprised.