Monday, August 08, 2005


Had an audition today for a Scion industrial with CD Jeff Hightower. Luckily my friend Cricket just purchased one of these refrigerators on wheels so I knew how to pronounce it. (like "Zion" with an "s") I think it went pretty well although I'm not sure I was what they were looking for, especially with the scruff face that I was "saving" for something else. On my way there I noticed the address & thought "Just north of Olympic, oh, why didn't they just say Westside?" Then after taking quite a while to park(luckily I was early but that made the "30 minutes only" spaces even more of a no-go. What's up with that? And there were only 4 auditions going on, ugh) I marched into 2050 S Bundy & soon realized I was in the wrong spot. Sure enough, I glanced at my notes & the address was "19 something" , which somehow my head thought meant drive to a new parking spot. So after walking about a 1/2 mile to my car, I drove 1/4 quarter mile north to my new spot, then walked 1/8th of a mile to 1990 S Bundy. Still on time, heh heh.

After the audition I went back ( a quick walk across the street) to Westside for drops. The piles were looking bigger than ever but I dropped a few anyway since its been a while & I was just feeling it.

My acting teacher from Denver, Bill Howey, has written an acting book called "The Actor's Menu" and I just found out my copy is on its way. Nice! I can't wait to read this book plus it's nice to feel special getting stuff before the general public does. Bill taught here in L.A. for a long time, at a highly esteemed school before moving to Denver. I was lucky enough to stumble upon his class there & would not be here in L.A. without it. (more on this class later)

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

Did you know Mercury was in Retrograde? We're all feelin' it extra hard right now, for some reason. :\

Can I add your acting teacher's book to my recommended reading list on Amazon or is it for sale through his page only? Lemmeknow.